Dear Gray,
As you may of guessed, I'm no longer at Wammy's house...
I need to apologize to you for so much..
I always knew somethng bad would come of such a relationship. I knew i'd be the one to ruin it, in some way or another.
You said to me a while ago that you'd love me no matter what, but you also said if I got ...
raped again, you'd kill me...
You already know what happened.
Again out of my control, and my depth. It feels like i am drowning because of the pain I could be causing you...
I'm sorry Gray.
I really am.
I'm going to try and make things right...Some way or another.
First, to find A way to keep Nariko at bay for good, since she experiemented on my already abused body...
And then to find and murder Primrose...
The one who did it to me (and said it wasn't over).
Then finally finish Niomie, for helping Nariko in her...
Gender changing experiment on me..
I need to sort out my body, my mind and everything that matters.
I do not wish to bring harm to you, but i'm afraid I have. I cannot forgive myself for what has happened..
If you feel any pain in my absence...I also apologize Gray...
I don't know what lays down this path to fixing myself...
This maybe the last time I can say these words to you Gray...
I miss you.....
I'm sorry..
and most of all..
I love you Gray.
Good bye..for now...
Truely yours,
[BBs diary is also left on the bed. A Blood red rose lays over them both]